Ethereum: BFGMiner No device detected

Ethereum: BFGMiner No Device Detected Issue

As a newcomer to the world of cryptocurrency mining, connecting Slushpool using BFGminer can be a bit confusing if you’re not familiar with the process. One common issue that arises when trying to connect BFGminer on Slushpool is showing an “USB device not detected” error.

What’s going on?

The “USB device not detected” error typically occurs because the miner cannot find the USB device (usually a USB controller) on your system. This can be due to various reasons, including:

  • The USB controller being unpowered or having low power levels

  • The USB port being used by another device that’s consuming power

  • The USB device not being properly connected or configured

Troubleshooting steps

If you’re experiencing the “USB device not detected” error on your Slushpool account, try these troubleshooting steps:

  • Restart BFGminer and Slushpool: Sometimes, simply restarting both the miner and Slushpool can resolve the issue.

  • Check USB power levels

    : Ensure that the USB controller is properly powered and has enough power to operate. You can check this by using a multimeter to measure the voltage output of the USB port.

  • Verify USB device connection: Double-check that you’re connecting the correct USB cable to both the BFGminer and Slushpool devices.

  • Check for conflicts with other devices: If you have another USB-connected device (e.g., keyboard, mouse) on your system, try disconnecting it to see if the issue resolves.

  • Update drivers and firmware: Ensure that all relevant USB controllers are up-to-date by updating their drivers and firmware.

  • Disable and re-enable USB devices: Try disabling and re-enabling the USB controller on your system to reset any potential conflicts.

Device detection settings

To help BFGminer detect the USB device, you can try adjusting the device detection settings:

  • Go to
    BFGMiner >
    General (or

  • Look for the “USB Device Detection” setting and adjust it to:

*Enable USB device detection

* Use a specific USB controller (e.g., USB 3.0)

* Set the minimum voltage output for the USB port

By following these steps and troubleshooting measures, you should be able to resolve the “USB device not detected” issue on your Slushpool account using BFGminer.

Additional resources

Ethereum: BFGMiner No device detected

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, you can try visiting the Slushpool support forums or searching online for specific solutions related to your system configuration. Additionally, you may need to reach out to the BFGMiner community or other mining enthusiasts for assistance with device detection settings and USB controller configurations.

I hope this article has helped you resolve the “USB device not detected” issue on your Slushpool account using BFGminer!

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