Ethereum: Callable contract’s function not exists in ABI

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Error: Call contract function that were not found in Abi

As a developer of contracts based in Etherchain, including NFT platforms such as Sea Drop and Openea, you are probably not unknown to the complexity of working with the Virtual Machine (EVM) and its Abi standard of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). I recently met with a mistake that asked me whether the function of my contract existed in ABI.

The problem: non -existing function

When I excluded a Solien -Ethercan call contract, I noticed that one of his functions of Etherchain’s Abi -Compiler was not recognized. I also tried to use the “MINT” feature from the Sea Drop OpenSea page, but it didn’t appear in my high school diploma.

The problem: function not defined

To remove the error in this problem, I followed the following steps:

  • Check the ABI contract: First I checked ABI on the ABI contract (binary application interface) to ensure that the MINT ‘function is really defined.

  • Check the missing functions : Then I checked the Sea Drop OpenSea page and found that the function of the MINT was not displayed in the ABI of the contract.

steps for troubleshooting

To solve this problem, I took the following steps:

  • Checking the contract code : I carefully checked my contract code to ensure that the “MINT” function is properly defined.

  • Check the missing or non -specified functions

    Ethereum: Callable contract's function not exists in ABI

    : I have also checked other Sepolia ethers and modules to identify all potential problems with function definitions.

  • ABI Updates: If necessary, I updated ABI of the contract to reflect changes in the seascepta -Opensea page.

Solution: Feature Call Add

After checking my contract code and checking the Sea Drop OpenSea page, I realized that the “MINT” function could not be called up. In order to fix this problem, I added the lack of “call” from Sea Drop OpenSea to ABI in my contract.

Here is an updated version of my contract:


Pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

Contract MynftContract {

Address of a private owner;

Uint256 private mintcount = 0;

Mint () public call only bowler {

// mint new nft

require (mintcount <5, "exceeded coin");

Mintcount += 1;




In this article I showed how to fix mistakes and solve a problem with a call contract that does not exist in his ABI. By checking the ABI of the contract, considering the Sea Drop OpenSea page, the updating of ABI and adding missing functions, we can ensure that our contracts work as intended.

As a developer of etherchain-based contracts, it is important to upset the latest developments and best practice in this area. In this case, I have learned how important it is to check the definitions of contract functions and to check external sources for information on other Solien ethercan contracts.

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