Ethereum: How do you generate a Ripple address and secret using the ripple-lib javascript library?

Generation of Pulsation with a JavaScript library with corrugation


Ripple is a distributed record technology developed by Ripple Labs, and its ecosystem is based on a lot on the Ethereum blockchain for the functionality of the intelligent contract. In this article, we will study how to generate new Ripple and private keys using [Ripple-lib] ( the JavaScript library.

Recruitment generation with wavy-lib

To create a new address or private key, you can use the following high -level feature:


const {elliptical} = Requires (‘Ripple-Lib’);

CONST {Keypair} = Requires (‘Ripple-Lib’);

ASYNC function Geneteripleaddress () {

Const ellipTekey = elliptic.keyfrommaterial (

‘SECP256K1’, // The type of elliptical curve

Buffer.from ([/ your personal data /]) // material containing a private key


Const Secret = EllipTekey.Secret;

Address Const = Wait Ripplelib.Createppleadress (

a secret,

{Network: ‘Mainnet’} // Select the Blockchain Ripple network


Return {address, secret};


// Example use:

Geneteripleaddress ()

.Hen ((Rippleaddress) => {

Console.log (Create a new orientation address: $ {rippleaddress.address} );

Console.log (Private Key (Secret): $ {Rippleaddress.Secret});


.catch ((error) => {

Console.error (error);


In this example, we first create an elliptical key on the curve using the “elliptical module. We then generate a new corrugation address, creating a material containing our private key data. The “Createrpppleaddress” feature returns the recently generated corrugation address and the appropriate secret.


Make sure you replace [/ private key data */] with your private key.

  • This example suggests that you are on the mainnet network. If you use another blockchain or test media, adjust the “Network” option accordingly.

  • The generated corrugation address and the secret will be stored safely as part of the adjusting library.

Using the Ripple-Lib

keyboard **

Alternatively, if you prefer to use a built-in keys, you can use the “Keypair” class on the “Ripple-LIB” module:


const {elliptical} = Requires (‘Ripple-Lib’);

CONST {Keypair} = Requires (‘Ripple-Lib’);

ASYNC function Geneteripleaddress () {

Const Keypair = New Keyboard (

‘SECP256K1’, // The type of elliptical curve

Buffer.from ([/ your personal data /]) // material containing a private key


Return of the keyboard;


// Example use:

Geneteripleaddress ()

.Hen ((Keypair) => {

Console.log (Generated corrugation address: $ {Keypair.Address});

Console.log (Key Generation (Secret): $ {Keypair.Secret.Tostring ('Hex')});


.catch ((error) => {

Console.error (error);



In this case, we create a new copy `Keypair using the specified elliptical curve and your private key. The result of the “keyboard” site contains the generated wavy address and secret.

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