Ethereum: Issue with Binance API fetch In Chrome

Ethereum API problem with Binance Api in Chrome

As a developer, it is disappointing when your code fails to be executed as expected. In this article, I will outline a problem that occurs when using Ethereum’s API with Binance’s API in a chrome -based browser such as Google Chrome.

The problem: Binance Api Fetch in Chrome

When you launch a Chrome Ethereum app, API Fetch is used to make requests to external API, including Binance API. However, there is some problem that causes the Fetch line freezing after reaching the end point of API in the ‘Account_fetchfunction.

Documentation and known problems:

  • [API documentation on Ethereum: binance api] (

  • [Web shop Chrome: binance api] (

Step by step solution:

Ethereum: Issue with Binance API fetch In Chrome

To resolve the problem, follow these steps:

  • Update the Binance API URL : Make sure you use the correct Binance API URL in your Account_fetch feature.

  • Check the requirements for the end point of the API : Check that the Fetch API is compatible with the required parameters and titles for the endpoint of the Binance API.

  • Check browser compatibility : Although not explicitly mentioned, Chrome may have problems creating JavaScript components. Try updating to the most version of Chrome or switch to another browser.

Example code:

Here is an example fragment of code that demonstrates how to update the “Fetchin the function of oumcruct_fetch:


Account_fetch () {

const account = “your_account_id”;

Const apikey = “your_api_key”;

const apisecret = “your_api_secret”;

Fetch (

{apikey} & account = $ {account}.

{Method: ‘Take’}

) .Then (reply => {

if (response.ok) {

Return Response.json ();

} Else {

Console.error (“Details of error:”, answer.status);


}). Then (data => {

// process the retrieved data




Following these steps and updating your code to reflect the correct Binance API URL, you need to be able to resolve the problem and ensure that your Ethereum app works as expected in Chrome.

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