Ethereum: OP_RETURN data transaction

OP_RETURAL DATA transaction: Using Op_retural Function

In the recent UTDATES ETHEREUM, it has introduced the OP_RETURN data function, which allows users to store and retrieve information about their transactions. One of the key features of op_return is this. However, how does it work? In this article, we will immerse ourselves in detailed OP_return transactions and explore what you need to know.

What is Op_return transaction?

The OP_RETURN transaction is a transaction type that stores information about a previous memory transaction, it rates these data as part of them the current transaction. This allows for the effective storage and transaction to be extracted.

How are the data returned during the transaction?

When you pull out Op_return transaction, you do not need to combine a new txout without exchange. Inteteted, you can specify that you are your Shuold Takearn Data Burres transaction feature “Return”. This allows users to retrieve the history of transactions and information related to Aller with partial data as part of the current transaction.


Consider the OP_RETURN transaction that stores the user’s balance in the table 0x .../Balancese:


Contractual balance {

mapping (address => uns256) in the balance;

Setbalance feature (address _USER, utit256 _balance) public {

Balances [_USER] = _balance;


GETBALANCE Function (Address _USER) Public Watch Tournaments (UNT256) {

returning the balance [_USER];




To use the Op_return feature, you will shorten theop_return transaction like this:


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

contract op_return {

Balancing store;

constructor () {

Storage.Setbalance (address (_msgsender ()), 100);


function Dowork () Public {

require (! storage.getbalance (address (_msgsend)), "The user is not set!");

// Use the storage balance details here



` re

This calls the Dowork feature, it will turn its stored balance data resistant to the return function.

Key Advantages

The OP_RETURN deal provides serial advantages:

* Improved security : Through memory stimulation data and returning to the transaction, you can rest that you are needed to be cent of the whole network.

* Increased efficiency : The confidentiality of OP_return transacts can improve overtune to the requirements required for specific.


Ethereum: OP_RETURN data transaction

The OP_return Is Power Tool data feature will forgive and slow information on essential translations. Using this feature, you will be more consistent and separation that remains data on the data in the center for them. Do not forget the caution when performing OP_return transactions as they can handle the security and scale of your contract.

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