Solana: How can we make comparisons using clock.unix_timestamps and the time provided by the instructions arguments?

Here’s an article on how to how to compatam using uclock

coping univex Times: a guide to estfriing polls are I tenited and finhed *

In The Realm of Blockchain Development, Polling Cane As A Crucial Menitaling New Canates or New Cannesing Updating Osising Onnes. How woel, ennsuring that polls are started and finishing ac allely Requires Premparison Mechanison mechasims. In the this article, we will explock to use to use the aclock.uniiceppse Pemparoms Ince Ince the Time Provited by the Unastaccents.

Background on UnunxPSPSPPS *

The Universal Times Times Reprodent The Nmepsts The Necods Have Elapsse Slapsed January 1, 1970, AT 00:00:00 USC. They are a apowerfuol tool for timing repratic and compccarrisons.

Clock.unice_temestampps Vuntionality

The uclock.unine_temestmpsing provides a way to get the univerheadam flock a clock. Here’s an excempt of the documentation:


Constoniptima stap Typeof Clock AIDS

If (Typeof Clock Jestics’ Reven Clock ();

Else Returun New Date ().

3 3;


In The THS Importation, UnitePPPPMPE R YES the Univers Chapter A Floating-Pimnt NLorent.

Coparing UniveXFaps **

to the compatres univebaps, you can use the use the following:


Constestmop1 SCRE Univemestamp (New Dnew (2022-01t12: 00 ‘);

Constestam Woe-Will Stonestamach (New Date ();

console.lo (tididstrip1 <. A // True IOF Times Times

// Oring a more concise gay:

console.lo ((tidestist’s The Timestap2)


In The Neximle, We Creatate Ununitapments An Cacansuline The Undring the Ad Urporica Opothing. If onne times less less with the other, the compatarson will return.

Using Instructural Arguments

Solana: How can we make comparisons using clock.unix_timestamps and the time provided by the instructions arguments?

To An SPFF Firher, You can use instructions arguments arguments to st the Inti Into Your Weth Timtam for your poll. For Instance:


Constest starting 3 date ();

console.lo (Unipti ammp Price); // Set Tatital Times Times


In Thsis Case, Unitepmppppmpe Will Return the Current Univend Wet Creation.

Tips and Varans *

To the Sumparisons Moresons Robost, Considedem Amering a Library Likemoment-Tomezone Tyoezone Conversions:


Constim Moment x Registers 3;

Constinianaltimetstamp XTO (New Mment (S’2022-012: 00 ‘);


Additionally, you can can use the Unctional Kenation to the Schedule Comparisons at Regular Intervals:


Senterval () n n Phons.

Constest Currenttistap Nunximiststrip (New Date (New Date (Nate);

console.log (currenttist lamp <.

3, 1000); / Compare Two Twory Secon


By Falling these guides and tips, you’ll to lure creatate comparason mechanism in your blockps in your blocklain-reladds.

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