Solana: How do I determine the cause of an “Unknown instruction error”?

Understanding “Error of Unknown Instructions” on Solana: A step by step guide

When you encounter an “unknown instruction error” on Solana, you may see an error message like the one you describe. In this article, we will break down the steps to help you identify and solve the problem.

What is an “unknown instruction error”?

On Solana, a “unknown instruction error” appears when the intelligent application or contract tries to perform a function that does not have its own unique instructions. These instructions are stored in a separate mode called “module” or “library”. When you try to use these functions, the compiler (Solc) cannot find them in the Solana-SDK library, which leads to an error.

Common causes of unknown instructions errors:

Before we sink into the troubleshooting process, to cover some common causes:

* Incorrect loading of module : Ensure -with the module or library is charged and imported correctly. Try to remove it from your project and add it back to see if it solves the problem.

* Version of the mismatch module

: Make sure you use a compatible version with the Solar version.

* Walk problems : The way to its library could be incorrect, which leads to an unknown error.

* Incorrect code structure : Make sure your code is structured correctly, and the functions are called in the correct order.

Troubleshoot step by step:

To solve the “unknown instruction error” on Solana:

  • Check the contract logs: Inspect the contract log messages to see if there are errors or warnings related to unknown instructions.

  • Check the imports of the mode:

    Solana: How do I determine the cause of an

    Make sure all the imports of the module are correct and that they are charged correctly in your project.

  • Update versions of the module: Check with the Solana team or with the authors of the Library for updates of the compatible modules.

  • Check the code structure: Review the code structure of your contract to make sure the functions are called in the correct order.

Additional tips:

  • Make sure you have correctly installed Solana-Keystore and Solana-Client, as these libraries may interfere with loading the module.

  • Try to run your app on another solar knot or a test environment to isolate the problem.

  • If none of the above stages solve the problem, there are likely to have other configuration or compatibility problems.


To solve the “unknown instruction error” on Solana, follow these steps:

  • Check the contract logs for error messages related to unknown instructions.

  • Check module imports and update, if necessary.

  • Make sure the correct code structure and functional calls.

  • Try to run the app on different knots or tests.

Following these steps, you should be able to identify and solve the problem causing “Unknown Instruction” on Solana.

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