Solana: SPL token deploy from scratch

Setting the Solan ID from Scratch: Step-by-Step Guide

As a developer of the Sorana-Blockchain Building, you are likely to have come across the popularity of the Sorana-based cuffs. One such sign is Spl (Plasma), which is used for various applications, such as decentralized financial platforms and decentralized administrative systems. In this article, we walk through the Spl labeling process from scratch with the help of the Solan SDK.


Make Sure Before You Start the Following:

At 1 o’clock. Solan Clli Installed On Your Machine

  • Sorana node that uses the mainnet testnet application (we recommend “with the Sorana -Cl’I tool to interact with the node)

  • Basic Information on Stability and Sana-Specific Concepts

Step 1: Clone Spl id storage

Create a New Archive for your Spl id By cloning the official Spl Mark Storage:


git clony


This creates a new directory structure with the files and folders needed.

Step 2: Set the Development Environment

Create a new Sorana wallet with the “Sorana-Keygen” command. This produces your wallet with a json key pair.


Solana-Keygen-Key-Size = 4096-Out Keypair.json-Wallet


This creates a wallet.json file containing private and public keys.

Step 3: Set Sana Node

Update the Solana Node Configuration to use the “Sorana -ClTool to interact with the Local Block Chain. Create a New Config.TomlFile ~/.solana/Cl/Config.Toml Directory:



Starypair = “path/wallet.key”


Replace the " path/ -/ wallet.key "on the actual path to the wallet -json file.

Step 4: Start and Turn Your ID

Solana: SPL token deploy from scratch

Create a new folder for your ID and start it with the following commands:


Mkdir -p characters/Spl -token


Npm install the Solan Cla– Save-Dev

Npx solan-clli init spl-token


This creates a new “Spl -token” directory with a basic line -up.

Step 5: Create and Install Your ID

Create a New File Called Spl-Token.Sol in the ‘Spl-Token’ Directory. This is the intelligent agreement of your Spl brand.


// Tokens/Spl-token/Spl-token.Sol

Pragman Solidity ^0.8.0;

Agreement for Spltoken {

mapping (address => uint256) public balances;

Function Deposit

Balance [_owner] += Amount;


Lifting Function

Require (balances [_owner]> = amount, “inadequate balance”);

Balance [_owner] -= Amount;



Function Vainower () Internal View Demanded Bywhip {

Require (msg.sender == address (_owner), “only the owner can call this Function”);



This agreement provides basic functions for historing and cancellation of spl centries.

Step 6: Turn and Install Your ID

Turn the Spl -token.Sol File using the following command:


Solc– in spl-token.sol -ilow-abi -r soana


This creates a new split -token.json file containing a compiled contract byte code.

Take your ID to the Sorana Mainnet Testnet Application using the following commands:


Npx for solan-clli use

-Chain-ID \

-Contract-name Spl-token \


-Ccounts Account1, Account2, Account3 \

-Gas 2000000 \

-Casa-Price 10 ether


Replace Mainnet wrong with the actual public key.

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